Open Access Policy

Open Access Information and Policy


What is Open Access ?

Open Access refers to the unrestricted availability of scholarly articles on the public Internet, allowing users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, link, and use these articles for lawful purposes without financial barriers.

Why Open Access?

Open Access is driven by a fundamental belief in the broad dissemination of research to benefit society as a whole. We recognize that research thrives when knowledge is shared freely, leading to scientific discovery, innovation, improved education, and economic progress.


The benefits of Open Access extend to various stakeholders:


  • Enhances discoverability and accessibility of scholarly literature.
  • Amplifies the visibility, readership, and impact of authors' works.
  • Facilitates interdisciplinary research and accelerates the pace of innovation.

Educational Institutions:

  • Advances the core mission of knowledge dissemination.
  • Democratizes access across all institutions, irrespective of size or budget constraints.
  • Provides vital access to STEM materials, benefiting academic competitiveness.


  • Enhances the quality of education by granting access to essential research materials.
  • Ensures access to knowledge regardless of financial limitations.
  • Contributes to a well-educated workforce.

Research Funders:

  • Maximizes the return on investment in research.
  • Facilitates efficient research portfolio management.
  • Promotes transparency and interaction with funded research results.


  • Encourages innovation by providing access to cutting-edge research.
  • Sparks new ideas, services, and products, fostering job creation.


  • Offers access to critical information on health, energy, environment, and other areas of broad interest.
  • Elevates public education and engagement in citizen science.

Why Start with Public Access?

Public access to research results is pivotal for driving innovation and maximizing the societal return on investment in publicly funded research. It fosters the translation of knowledge into public benefits, promoting discovery and innovation. As MIJMSR, we firmly believe in the principles of Open Access and are dedicated to ensuring that our published research is accessible to the widest possible audience.

We are committed to making research findings available to researchers, students, educators, businesses, and the general public. By doing so, we aim to contribute to the advancement of knowledge, stimulate innovation, and enhance the quality of education and research worldwide. Open Access aligns with our mission to disseminate scholarly knowledge for the greater good, and we encourage authors, readers, and stakeholders to support and engage in this endeavor.

We welcome contributions that adhere to the principles of Open Access and look forward to promoting the dissemination of valuable research through MIJMSR.