About the Journal


Journal Description

Welcome to the Macaw International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research (MIJMSR), ISSN (E): 2455-4669. This peer-reviewed, open access journal is dedicated to advancing the field of managerial studies through rigorous research and insightful analyses. Our goal is to foster a deeper understanding of management practices across various sectors and disciplines globally.

Open Access Policy: MIJMSR is committed to broadening access to our research by publishing all articles under an open access license. Immediately upon publication, articles are freely available to read, download, and share, facilitating wider dissemination and engagement with the content.

Focus and Scope: The journal's scope covers a wide range of topics within managerial studies, including but not limited to organizational behavior, strategic management, human resource management, ethical leadership, innovation, and corporate governance. We aim to publish research that is not only academically rigorous but also relevant to current managerial practices and policy implications.

Copyright Notice: Authors who publish with MIJMSR retain copyright of their work. We grant the right to publish and share articles under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which allows others to use the work, provided the original author and source are credited.

Sponsorship Disclosure: MIJMSR is funded by article processing charges and, occasionally, by specific academic or professional sponsorships. All funding sources are disclosed to ensure transparency and maintain the integrity of our editorial process.

Archival System: Our journal participates in LOCKSS and CLOCKSS, ensuring the secure and permanent archival of its digital publications. This guarantees that our content remains accessible to future generations of researchers and practitioners.

Privacy Statement: We respect the privacy of our contributors and users. Any personal information received by MIJMSR is used exclusively for the intended purposes of managing submissions, publication processes, and communication with authors and reviewers.

History of the Journal: Founded in 2015, the Macaw International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research has quickly established itself as a credible source of knowledge and insight in the field of managerial studies, contributing to both academic literature and practical applications in management and leadership.